Saturday, September 14, 2019

I Will Forget You Too - Book Review

Book review 

Book Name - I will forget you too
Author         - Abhilash Aman
Publisher    - White Falcon Publishing 
Genre         - Fiction / Romance 

Description :

Rules will never stop you from loving someone; they can't. But they will stop you from living the love; yes, they will. My heart and soul are still somewhere waiting at the stairs or maybe in the corridor of our school as if she’d come someday and say, "let’s walk together till the last. Let’s not measure the consequences this time; let’s not fear."

It's the story of a boy who falls in love with a girl. In love, he gradually begins to change. He begins to like everything associated with the girl. People say love never happens twice. But it happened to him, although for the same girl, again and again. Find out if the girl loved him back? If they ever got together? This book is a must read for those who want to relive their first love, the purest form indeed.

Review :

I thought that the book was easy and simple to read. I finished reading it in a day. The story line
is simple. I could relate to it because as teenagers all of us go through flings in school, some
tend to be serious affairs and some just time pass affairs which fizzle out by the time you go
to college.

I love the way, the author described strong friendship in a very good way. the emotions that
Abhilash went through were also very real. Overall a good book.

The cover of the book is attractive which reminds you of the school days. The language is
simple and easy to understand without any twists and turns. 

About the author :

 Author is a Senior Software Engineer who is an NIT Patna Alumnus. He is also interested in
poetry. He calls himself an engineer by profession, an author by passion and a poet by emotion.

Rating  - 4/5 

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  1. Looks good. One of those books that can be picked up for a 2hr flight and u utilise the time effectively

    1. Yes indeed Supriti.. A light and relaxing read!

  2. Damn! Now I want to know the story :) I am sure it must have been a good read.
    #myepicareads #MyFriendAlexa

  3. Romantic fiction is always a treat and this seems to be an interesting read by your review.

  4. Interesting and your review makes it look better.

  5. Nice Review

    Wese toi hatelove stories

    But i should read this

  6. It is heartening to see that Indian fiction writers have come of age. Sounds like an interesting read on romance. Totally up my alley.I want to know what happened next. Guess i have to get the book Thanks for sharing. #wordsmithkaurreads #MyFriendAlexa #BlogChatter

  7. I love reading romantic books and especially the ones which are fast read, will check it soon

  8. Seems to be a nice read, what caught my attention is that you read in a day.. so its a sure buy for me. #PraGunReads #MyFriendAlexa

  9. Ah it always pains me to see most authors are engineers. But your description is so well written - it's like a short story in itself! You should write your own :D

    1. Wow! Thank you so Suchita.. Thts a huge compliment :)

  10. A simple and to the point review that prompts one to buy the book and read it immediately.

  11. Romantic fiction always stirs your emotions. I'm sure this one has the ability to do it too. Thanks for sharing!

  12. love and friendship make most of the school and college life, I liked the way you have reviewed. looks like a great book.

  13. Love stories attracts me the most will surely read this book.Thanks for the crisp review.


  14. Very nicely presented review. Romantic stories are anytime good read.

  15. Stories like these make me very nostalgic about my school and college days. Sounds like a book I would enjoy reading.
    Surbhi #surreads

  16. Nice review. I will surely pick this book up next.

  17. I liked the title and the review.On my tbr list👍

  18. Looks like a clean love story, unless there is a twist from the girl's side. And about falling in love twice... I think its truly possible.

  19. Interesting. And it's true, love is the most powerful thing in the world. Will definitely read it later.

  20. I have increase my curiosity for the book

  21. Seems like the book has a simple theme but effectively written. Will read...

  22. Really liked the picture you have put up. And seems like an easy read. Wonderfully written by you!

  23. Lovely picture and great review. Book seems interesting. #MyFriendAlexa #ShubhraReads

  24. Too simple, looks like. I like difficult reading. And romance is not my cuppa anyway. But your review is good enough to give a fair idea about the book.

  25. Looks good! Nice of you to review previously unpublished authors!

  26. Friendships shown between the characters goes a long way. Falling in love with same person twice is interesting to know.

  27. the book looks great for all the book lovers sure will be checking out..

  28. I am a big fan of light read books. This sounds interesting taken that author is an IT guy. I would totally relate.
    #damurureads #myfriendalexa

  29. Writing reviews requires special skill, you did well.

  30. Love happens twice but with the same person?

    This really seems interesting��

  31. In first few lines I can resonate with the story made me nostalgic.#millennialscribbler #myfriendalexa

  32. I just love book with simple language to understand and relate to the story...Thanks for sharing

  33. Seems like an easy read. Thanks for the review.

  34. Although, I don't read 'Romance' genre books, but your review is interesting, so I will look forward to read this book.

    Thanks for reviewing.

  35. Though I am not much into romance genre.. but it is always good to relive your first love 🙈

  36. It sure must have been a great book, you finished it in one day!

  37. Sounds like a very easy-breezy read

  38. This seems like an easy breezy read. Thanks for the recommendation

  39. This seems like an interesting book though I am not share if I would really want to read it. First loves are purest but from both the sides?

  40. Short and crisp review. The book looks interesting.

  41. I am a huge fan of love stories this seems to be the perfect light hearted stress buster read

  42. I like light hearted and quick read books and its sounds like one. Will check out. #vartikasdiaryreading #myfriendalexa

  43. That's a lovely review simrit. Thank you for sharing. #tmmreads

  44. The plot of book seems really cute and I would love to read this. thanks for sharing review #Surbhireads #Myfriendalexa

  45. From the title itself I can imagine the story.. I always like to read romantic stuff. Looks interesting.

  46. Amazing review..seems an interesting book. Cool picture of chai and if I am not wrong is that bun and butter?

  47. fiction and romance are an unbeatable combination. waiting to read next.
    #myfriendalexa #princyreads

  48. Looks like sweet lil love story.. will read for sure

  49. There must be good twist in the story to be special. Will pick it up for a leisure read.

  50. Nice detailed Book Review. Looking forward to reading this one.
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia #MyFriendAlexa

  51. the book sounds interesting. thank you for the review

  52. Thanks for sharing. Sounds interesting will definitely check out :-)


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