Saturday, December 7, 2019

How to get your child to put back his toys after he has played ?

All kids love to make a mess but don't like to clean up. We, as moms have loads of tasks to complete and we lose our patience sometimes. It can be very tiring for us all the time to clean up the mess after your child has played with toys. Also the children need to learn that they have to clean up after they have played with their toys.The earlier you stat with them, the better it is.I'll share some tips which I try and use with my son. 

🎀 Don't make it a chore. Put a rhyme in the background, like tidying up or clean up time. Kids love it and will happily come and clean. 

🎀 Show them how it's done or tell them initially that you will help them in cleaning. Involve them in cleaning and picking up their toys after they have played. Like this they will get into the habit of picking up their toys after playing.

🎀 Motivate and encourage them, even if they put one toy back. Use phrases, like good job, very good boy/girl, do high - five. Remember, nothing can be achieved in one day. They need encouragement to do work.

🎀 Show them how nice the room looks after it is clean.This is very important because the kids should learn to keep their surroundings neat and clean.

🎀 Tell them at night, like they sleep even the toys have to sleep. So put the toys to bed.

🎀 Tell them that they are very lucky to have lots of toys. At night the toy fairy visits and the child who doesn't take proper care of the toys, the fairy takes the the toy away.

I think we should start early and toddlers love to help.Please share in comments how do u tell your child to clean up.


  1. Yeah we also put our toys back. Have made it a point that they get what they want after they work for it. Hope that works too.

  2. It’s a good idea to get kids to clean up from the time they’re very young. It’s a Herculean task to get an older kid who isn’t used to it to do the cleaning up! Love how you have brought attention to starting young to keep our surroundings clean.

  3. Learning how to clean our own messes is a very important training which should be taught from an early age. It will help throughout in life.

  4. Thats a very important task to teach the kids especially these days in nuclear families and hardly any help.You have listed out very interesting ways to do so Simrit.

  5. All thoroughly sound advice. We also have a “clean up” song which we sing while putting his toys away and it helps.
    Noor Anand Chawla

  6. A very practical post for all mom's . I too make them do this by following tips mentioned but loved the tip of putting a rhyme in background. That's a very nice idea. Thanks for sharing this.

  7. A very helpful post. I try with my daughter and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Thank you for the tips.

  8. We started this habit when he was quite young. If you want to play make sure to keep it back too. in case you need help call Maa. I agree with most of your points.

  9. Nice post and amazed to see how beautifully you have explained the simple act of putting toys back after playing ans connected it with the development of a range of skills in the child.

  10. Such wonderful tips! I loved the toy fairy one. Kids will love it.

  11. Nice ideas considering how stubborn some kids are these days and how some parents dont bother to inculcate such habits in kids at an early age. Amazing tips will keep it in mind for future 😜


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