Saturday, July 31, 2021

Tips not to over eat when you are depressed




            Think of a time when you felt extremely tensed or anxious about something? That is definitely not a good feeling. Also, have you noticed that you tend to eat more without realizing when you are emotionally drained

Let us discuss  a few reasons why people tend to over eat when they are depressed:

Food can be comforting:

When someone is going through a rough patch emotionally, whether related to relationships - personal or professional, career or financial problems, eating could be calming. Eating food high in sodium or sugar can comfort you. Although they are very high in calories but can be soothing to someone who is felling emotionally very low.

Binge eating:

Anxiety or emotional stress causes a person to binge eat which means that a person tends to eat food even though he doesn't require the calories.

Food can act as a distraction:

When a person doesn't want to think about the situation that is causing him anxiety, he tends to eat more and the food becomes his distraction. Thinking about food or eating food tends to distract him from the present situation.

It becomes a habit :

What started as a small phase of overeating tends to become  a habit if the person doesn't stop at the right time.

These were a few reasons why people tend to overeat if they are feeling low. Let us see  a few ways of how to reduce these triggers:

Seek Help:

If you are feeling low and depressed reach out to your family , friends or seek profession help. It is very important to create awareness that talking about mental health is absolutely normal.

Think before you eat:

It is very easy to overeat. But one should think before they eat. In the beginning one tends to over eat or eat at odd times to calm himself but eventually it becomes a habit and overeating is not good for health.

Try out a new hobby:

It is always good to have a hobby which will rejuvenate you when you are feeling low instead of overeating. It could be reading, singing, gardening, painting, cooking , anything that makes you feel better.

Do not bring food that tempts you in the house:

Even if you are feeling depressed do not bring food to the house that will eventually lead you to gain weight.

This article is a part of Blogchatter's cause a chatter 

#mentalhealth #overeating #causeachatter

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