Saturday, April 30, 2022

How to find your zen for mindfulness ?

How to find your zen for mindfulness ? 

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Zen in simple terms means awareness through meditation. Zen is a meditation technique practiced by Buddhists psychology. You can achieve zen by practicing mindful techniques.Zen meditation means to be in the present state and not be judgmental. You can practice zen in your day to day life by slowing down and taking breaks in your day to day life. 

Tips to introduce zen in your life :

Make a morning routine:

Waking up early in the morning before anyone else wakes up is always calming. Set aside that time only for yourself without your phone or any other electronic gadget. You can read, meditate or workout. Do whatever you want to do but do it only for yourself. 

Take deep breaths :

One of the main principles of mindfulness is to be aware of your breaths In order to find your zen too be aware of your breathing. Take deep breaths. You can even chant a mantra while taking deep breaths.

Take frequent breaks:

No matter how busy you are, take frequent breaks in between your work and walk around. This will help you relieve stress and you will be more at peace. 

Go out in the outdoors :

As all of us have very busy schedules, we hardly go out in the open anymore. We are only confined to the inside. Not going out in the fresh air can lead to stress and anxiety. Going out can definitely uplift your mood and is a stress buster too.

Let go of negativity :

Holding on to any form of grudges is not good for health. Too much negativity causes stress and anxiety. It is always  not easy to let go of negative feelings or thoughts. The best way to deal this to have a journal or a diary. Pen down your thoughts when you are feeling low or sad. 

"Now" is the time:

Remember that "Now" is the time. You can have a beautiful picture on your desk or phone. A positive quote always helps. Both picture and the quote are a reminder of enjoying the present moment.

Attaining your zen is not impossible. You need to work towards it and you will realize how beautiful the life is !

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Yoga and Mindfulness

Yoga and Mindfulness

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All of us know that both mindfulness and yoga have many advantages. But what happens when we combine both mindfulness and yoga together?

When we merge both mindfulness and yoga together, we get a new term called Mindful Yoga.  Although both yoga and mindfulness aim to focus on your breath and what happens in the present moment, but still they are different.

When we practice mindfulness, we purposely bring our attention in the present moment. It is technique to train your mind and bring it to the present when it wanders off. It aims to cultivate attention and awareness to what is happening in the current moment without being judgemental. 

Yoga on the other hand is a science of overall healthy living.

Let is see the difference between Mindfulness and Yoga in detail :

  • 1.      Yoga is an art or science of healthy living which incorporates many physical and breathing exercises other than only meditation. Mindfulness on the other hand is a form of meditation that makes you aware of where you are and what you are doing without any judgement.
  • 2.     Yoga helps to improve your posture, build over all strength, increases flexibility , increases blood flow and reduces stress. Mindfulness on the other hand, improves memory, focus , mental health  and mood.
  • 3.     Yoga helps in over all holistic development of your body. It helps to connect body, mind and spirit . Mindfulness is one the main components of meditation techniques that helps to bring your mind to the present state without any bias or judgement.

In conclusion, we can say that both yoga and mindfulness support and enhance each other. Both of them focus on mind-body awareness , improving both physical and mental health. We can say that one should make and effort and try to practice Mindful yoga. It is not difficult to put your mind to it.  You need to train your mind and can start from today. The only thing that is required in consistency. 

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Removing Xtras From Your Life

Removing Xtras From Your Life

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Negativity is one of the main causes of stresses in life. Have you noticed when you are in the company of a negative person for a long period of time, either you also start complaining or you become negative too. This leads to you being in a horrible mood which makes you feel sad, low and completely down.

Here are certain ways which help you to remove the “Xtras” from your life and lead a positive, mindful life.

  • Be mindful of what you speak:

When you are feeling negative, take out your notebook or a journal and start writing your feelings. After writing, notice the kind of feelings you have. Are you using the same phrases or words repeatedly? If you are using the same phrases, try not to say or think about those things because if you repeat a certain thing a number of times, you start to believe it.

  • Remove toxic relationships from your life:

Negativity is not only in the form of thoughts but is also present in the form of people or relationships. If any person your relative makes you feel bad or low about yourself, you need to move away from him. Nobody has the right to treat you badly. Sometimes, unfortunately these individuals are very close family member. You cannot move away from them completely but you can just reduce the amount of time that you spend with them.

  • Find Positive People:

The more you find positive people around you, the better it is for your mental health and peace. If you are around positive people,  it will help you not to think about the negative people in your life. Positive people make you feel good, give you confidence and bring a smile on your face. With positive people in your life, there is very less room for negativity in your life.

  • Do what you love:

All of us like to do certain things but we have become so engrossed in our lives that we dint have any time left for our hobbies or the things which we love to do. Take out 20-30 minutes in a day and set aside that time only for the things that you love to do. It can be reading, watching TV, singing, painting or even writing. When you do something for yourself, it definitely boosts your confidence and also makes you feel good. You do not have time for the xtras in your life.

  •  Meditate :

Meditation is on of the most powerful tools which helps us to focus or your breaths and thoughts. It can give you clarity of thought and can also help you to focus on positive and more important things in lfe.

These are some very easy ways to remove “Xtras” from your life.

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Why has mindfulness become very popular in the last decade ?

 Why has mindfulness become very popular in the last decade ?

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Mindfulness has become very popular in the last decade. Our lives have become very hectic and mechanical in the last few years. Along with the work load, stress levels have also increased tremendously. 

Mindfulness teaches us to live in the present and be aware of our feelings, emotions and even our breathing. It can be a part of your lifestyle and aim towards wellness. The wellness can be in any form whether physical, psychological or emotional. 
Mindful exercises help to reduce anxiety, stress and depression.
Mindfulness helps a person to think differently and be stress free. With the advent of internet and social media, there are many online portals and platforms where people discuss their feelings and emotions. This helps them to openly talk about anything they want without being judged. They share their experiences with their friends and relatives. People also share about their experiences on blogs and other social media sites which creates awareness among the masses.

  Mediation is a form of mindfulness and it has been prevalent since many centuries. Meditation can be done anywhere where you are comfortable, outdoors or indoors.

Your mindful journey can be started only by taking out ten minutes everyday. By following simple mindful exercises you will realize that how easily you can let go of  negative thoughts and worries which cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. In the last ten years or so, people have become aware and have become more vocal about their thoughts and feelings. Earlier people didn't talk openly about depression and anxiety.  Now, people have started to discuss about it freely. Many courses and programs are available which help people deal with stress and anxiety. They are taught various meditation techniques and exercises which puts their mind at ease and stress free.

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Monday, April 25, 2022

Uplift your mood by being mindful

Uplift your mood by being mindful

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Being mindful helps in reducing depression, stress and anxiety. It has gained a lot of popularity in the recent years.

  • Being mindful can also uplift your mood. One of the easiest ways to uplift your mood is to have a journal. A journal is a great tracker for your mood. You can write your feelings and emotions freely in your journal where no one can know what you have written. Take out ten minutes and write everyday how you are feeling. Write what irritated you about a particular person or what was a nice thing that happened that day. Write what thing triggers you and what thing makes you happy. You will notice that after writing in your journal and expressing your emotions, you are no longer angry.
  • A mindful indulgence can also uplift your mood. A delicious snack always brightens up our mood when we are feeling sad or depressed. All of us have different snack preferences and once in a while indulging in our favourite snack will definitely uplift your mood. But one should keep in mind that overeating can definitely make you gain weight. One should snack mindfully without compromising on the taste.
  • Waking up earlier can also uplift your mood. Try to wake up before everyone in the family and take that time for yourself. This extra time will help you get more organised and productive throughout your day.
  • Smiling often is also a part of being mindful. Smiling at someone can definitely make someone’s day and will also make you feel better.
  • Listening to music can boost happiness and reduce anxiety. Once the music in on you will notice that after sometime you start humming along with the music and this will definitely uplift your mood.
  • Helping someone in need is also a great mood up lifter. It can be as simple as helping someone cross the road, walking a dog or babysitting.

These are simple and very doable tips to uplift your mood mindfully.

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Tips and tricks to be Mindful


Tips and tricks to be Mindful

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In the last decade or so, everyone is talking about being mindful. In today’s busy and fast paced life, it is essential to take a breather and slow down. We do not realize how important it is to slow down, and focus on yourself. Pay attention to your breaths, surroundings and let go of negativity. Mindfulness help you become calmer and reduces stress.Being mindful is not difficult. You can start from today.

Tips on being Mindful :

Be aware of your breathing :

Set aside 10 -15 minutes in a day and concentrate on your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and take deep breaths, in and out.  Try to only concentrate on your thoughts and nothing else. It will take a few days but once you get used to it, it will be very easy for you to concentrate and let go of wandering thoughts.

Create a Journal :

Penning your thoughts down is a very calming activity. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by a situation or an incident and are not able to express. Writing in a journal helps you express your feelings and this also helps you to calm down. This will also help you track your mood and feelings each day.

Go out in the nature:

Spending time in the nature is supposed to very therapeutic and good for the mind. Sometimes when you are upset or sad, being in the nature can be of immense help as the your attention is diverted to your surroundings outside. Pay attention to your steps and stride. This will definitely boost your mood.


Meditation is one of the of helpful techniques for mindfulness. You can turn on a calming music or download an app on your phone for meditation. Mediation helps remove stress and anxiety which are a major cause of depression.

Avoid Multitasking:

Although being able to multitask is very good but certain days are very stressful and nothing gets  done. Try not to multitask and complete one task at a time. After finishing one task , move on to the other task.

These are some of the easiest tips and trick to begin your journey in being mindful.

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Mindfulness and Stress

Mindfulness and Stress

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Stress in simple words mean to be emotionally or physically drained or being unable to cope mental or physical pressure. Stress can become chronic if not treated on time. This can also have adverse effects on a person’s blood pressure, heart , blood sugar levels , mental and physical problems.

Being mindful is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce stress.

Here are some very easy ways on how mindfulness can help you reduce stress :

Focus on the present :

It is always important to focus on the present moment and not dwell on the past or future. Live in the moment and not think of what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future.

Do not react immediately :

As human beings, it our nature to react impulsively. Instead just pause for a moment and think about the situation. A decision which is taken impulsively and in haste is not always correct. Mindfulness helps you to pause and lets you take a wise decision by weighing the pros and cons of the situation.

Observation :

It is very important to recognize unpleasant thoughts and feelings , objectively and without any judgement.

Being aware of others feelings :

Being mindful helps you to be aware of your feelings first and that helps in raising your emotional intelligence which will help you in not getting into conflicts.

Less stress will make you compassionate :

Being mindful helps you to take care of yourself and others better. When you take care of others, you are compassionate and kind which helps to reduce stress too.

Change in the attitude:

When you practice mindfulness, you are less negative about life and people in general. This positive attitude will help in taking out negativity from your mind and your attitude towards people will change .

If you practice these simple tips, you can eliminate stress from your life and lead a happy, stress free life. 

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Very good 5 movies to watch on Mindfulness

Very good 5 movies to watch on Mindfulness

Most of us love watching movies. They transport us to a different time, place or a situation which we might not be able to experience. Movies help us to learn different things which we might  not be able to experience on a regular basis.  They teach us so much about the changing social culture which we cannot experience through regular situations, like empathy, politically situations. They help us to appreciate art, help to sometime tackle difficult situations and can help viewers to tackle different situations. Sometime the viewers see themselves in a particular character which can be very good for someone's mental health too.

Along with reading books , you can also start your journey on mindfulness by watching movies. Sometimes when we see something, it registers better on our mind. 

Here's a list of 5 very good movies which will help you along your way on your journey of Mindfulness :

1. My Year of Living Mindfully :

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Overwhelmed with insomnia and an incurable autoimmune disease, Shannon Harvey needed to make a change. But while the award-winning health journalist found plenty of recommendations on diet, sleep and exercise, when she looked for the equivalent of a 30-minute workout for her mental well being, there was nothing. 

Worried for the future mental health of her kids who were growing up amidst epidemics of stress, anxiety, depression and addiction, Shannon enlisted a team of scientists to put meditation to the test. Could learning to quiet our busy minds be the simple solution the world so desperately needs?

Throughout her year of living mindfully Shannon is poked, prodded, scanned and screened as she travels the world to interview 18 of the world’s leading mindfulness scientists and pioneers. But after a 30,000 kilometre journey from the bright lights of Manhattan to the dusty refugee camps of the Middle East, what begins as a self-experiment, transforms into a life-changing experience.

My Year of Living Mindfully is filled with compelling stories, groundbreaking science, and unexpected insights that go to the heart of what it means to be human in the twenty-first century.

2. Room to Breathe :

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Room to Breathe explores the personal transformations that happen for students, their families, and educators as mindfulness is introduced in a truly challenging public school environment. By providing a raw and realistic look at the experience, it shows how integrating mindfulness, along with patience, skill, collaboration and more, can transform even the most difficult classrooms. This movie is also available on Amazon Prime Video.

3. The Mindful movement :

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THE MINDFULNESS MOVEMENT, a feature documentary that profiles the growing number of people throughout society who believe mindfulness - a peaceful quality of attention anyone can develop by simply focusing on the present moment in a non-judgmental way – is the key to creating a healthier, happier world. For them, mindfulness is the way for anyone to make more moments matter in their lives and to help create a more compassionate, caring, and ethical society.

This documentary is even an interactive experience since you will have two chances to close your eyes and practice during brief guided meditations led by well-known mindfulness teachers.

4. Walk With Me :

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Read all'Walk With Me' is a meditative film about a community of Zen Buddhist monks and nuns who have dedicated their lives to mastering the art of mindfulness with their world famous teacher , Thich Nhat Hanh.

5. Just Breathe :

Directed by Julie Bayer Salzman and Josh Salzman, this film made the rounds across the interwebs in immense ways when it was first released. For a while, there wasn’t a mindfulness/meditation site that wasn’t at least mentioning it, and it’s for a good reason.

“Just Breathe” focuses on young children and how mindfulness helps them navigate some of the more extreme emotions they feel. The creators found inspiration from their 5-year-old son, who was discussing with a friend how to calm down. They were taught, at their elementary school in California, to do so by taking deep breaths. Thus the film shows very candid kindergarten-age kids talking about what they’ve learned and how they cope with their feelings using mindfulness and meditation.

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Friday, April 22, 2022

Top 5 Reads to begin your Mindful Journey

 Top 5 Reads to begin your Mindful Journey

It is rightly said that books are a man's best friends. With the internet, the number of readers have reduced a lot in the last twenty years but still I feel that the wisdom that you get from books is more reliable than the internet because they have been reviewed before publishing. They also have the magical ability to bring both past and future together through words. 

When you want to begin you mindful journey, books can be a great help to you. You can read and refer to them at any point of life. 

Here's a list of top 5 books which can be very helpful for your mindful journey :

The Little Book of Mindfulness by Dr. Patrizia Collard :

Mindfulness is the easy way to gently let go of stress and be in the moment. It has fast become the slow way to manage the modern world - without chanting mantras or finding hours of special time to meditate.

Bring these simple 5- and 10-minute practices into your day to find freedom from stress and ultimately, more peace in your life.

Mindfulness for Beginners: How to Drastically Transform All Areas of Your Life & Health with Powerful Mindfulness Techniques , by Marta Tuchowska.

It all comes down to diving deep, making friends with your emotions (both good and bad) and understanding your awareness.In this book, you will find effective techniques to step out of your mindless, stressful thinking and allow your mind to finally embrace mindfulness so that you can achieve peace and happiness in all areas of your life.

Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday, by Matthew Sockolov 

Mindfulness is an evidence-based method for reducing stress, enhancing resilience, and maintaining mental well-being. Even short meditations can turn a bad day around, ground us in the present moment, and help us approach life with gratitude and kindness.

Practicing Mindfulness was created by the founder of One Mind Dharma. He developed these 75 essential exercises to offer practical guidance for anyone who wants to realize the benefits of mindful meditation. This includes expert advice on dealing with distorted or wandering thoughts and how to handle mental blocks.

Early meditations in Practicing Mindfulness take just 5 minutes and are highly accessible. As they progress, exercises grow with the reader, building on previous lessons to develop a transformative mindfulness practice. With meditations designed for specific situations or emotions, even experienced practitioners will have a continuing resource for mindfulness at every moment.

Begin a journey of peace and patience today on the path to a calmer, more balanced life with Practicing Mindfulness.

The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation, by Thich Nhat Hanh 

In this beautiful and lucid guide, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh offers gentle anecdotes and practical exercise as a means of learning the skills of mindfulness--being awake and fully aware. From washing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he reminds us that each moment holds within it an opportunity to work toward greater self-understanding and peacefulness.

Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World, by Mark Williams & Danny Penman

MINDFULNESS reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that you can incorporate into daily life to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness, and exhaustion. It promotes the kind of happiness and peace that gets into your bones. It seeps into everything you do and helps you meet the worst that life throws at you with new courage.

The book is based on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). MBCT revolves around a straightforward form of mindfulness meditation which takes just a few minutes a day for the full benefits to be revealed. MBCT has been clinically proven to be at least as effective as drugs for depression and is widely recommended by US physicians and the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence - in other words, it works. More importantly it also works for people who are not depressed but who are struggling to keep up with the constant demands of the modern world.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Questions regarding Mindfulness


Questions regarding Mindfulness


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It is often seen that many people want to begin their mindful journey but now know how to begin or from where to begin.

Let’s begin by answering some of the most frequently asked questions about Mindfulness.

1.      How do I start being Mindful ?

You can start from today, this very moment. You can practice mindfulness while walking, sitting on a couch or even while writing.  As long as you are focusing on your thoughts, breaths and feelings. You need to become aware of your feelings and enjoy each moment thoroughly.

2.     Why should I be mindful?

Mindfulness is for anyone who would like to feel more in control of their thoughts rather than their thoughts. Being mindful can help you to be away from negativity and negative thoughts.

3.     Is meditation important for being mindful?

Meditation helps you to focus on your breathing and helps  to calm you. Once you begin doing meditation, you will have control over your thoughts and feelings . It will also help you no to be judgemental.

4.    How is Mindfulness beneficial for health?

Mindfulness has many benefits to health. It helps is calming a person. Mindfulness helps to reduce stress and anxiety.  It helps to reduce blood pressure and improves overall immune system.

5.     How long will it take before you notice a difference?

If you are consistent, you can see noticeable changes within a few weeks of practicing mindfulness. You will notice a difference in how you respond to a particular situation or a person. You will get effected by incidents differently.

6.    For how long should I sit when I start meditation?

In the beginning 5- 10 minutes are more than enough. Slowly and gradually increase the time of for each sitting.

7.     What are the apps that I can use when I begin Mindfulness?

There are many apps which are available on your phone these days. Some of the most popular apps for Mindfulness are :

  • Headspace
  • On the go
  • Buddhify
  • Stop Breathe Think

8.    Can we teach mindfulness to children?

Yes, you can definitely teach your children to be mindful from a very young age. This will go a long way in their adulthood too.

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Plan Mindful Games for Kids


Plan Mindful Games for Kids

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Mindfulness not only has advantages for adults but also has many benefits for the kids. If we teach mindful practices to kids from an early age, it goes a long way when they are adults. Children get bored very easily. You need to do different mindful practices with them to keep them interested. Also, they are too young understand the concept of mindfulness. Different fun activities help the children motivated and also helps in building interest.

Games that you can play with your children :

1.      Bring your favourite toy :

This game is suitable for toddlers and kindergarten kids. Ask your child to bring a stuffed toy or any of his favourite toy. The children treat their stuffed toys as their friends. Ask the child sit comfortably and ask him to make his toy sit too. Tell him that both of them have to concentrate on take deep breaths. The children feel happy and secured that they have their favourite toy with them, doing the different activities.

2.     Pinwheel Breathing:

All children love pinwheels. Get two pinwheels. One for yourself and another for your child. Both of you blow on the pinwheel and see it rotate. You can try different breaths, both long and short. This is one of the easiest ways to get children to do breathing exercises.

3.     Balancing on foot :

This activity is very helpful for both toddlers and teens. When a child balances on one foot, he focuses all his attention on one leg. Try doing for 10-15 seconds for each leg in the beginning and then gradually increase the time. This activity is very helpful for children to improve their focus and concertation.

4.    Lemon and spoon race :

This a super fun game and children really enjoy themselves. If you have two children, you can have a race for both of them. Otherwise, you play with your child. You need a spoon and a lemon. Ask the child to put the spoon in his mouth  and the put lemon on the spoon. The child has to concentrate and walk fast with the lemon. The children have to balance the lemon and not let it fall. This game is helpful for awareness and concentration both.

These are some very simple activities which can be easily done with  kids from an early age . Starting mindful practices go a long way in making kids mindful.

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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Being Mindful in the outdoors


Being Mindful in the outdoors

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Most of us like to meditate indoors but meditating in the outdoors can have immense benefits too. All of us know that mindfulness has many benefits , one of it is to reduce stress.

Although you can practice it anywhere where you feel comfortable but practicing mindfulness in the open can have many benefits.

Benefits of Outdoor Mindfulness :

More Concentration:

You need to focus and concentrate when you are meditating. Meditating in the outdoors help you to concentrate better and our mind doesn’t wander so much.

Outdoors are calm:

The sounds of the nature are very calm and soothing. Once you get attuned to the sounds, you feel a great sense of calmness and peace.

Health Benefits:

With the increasing amount of commitments that all of us have, we hardly have any time outside and spend time in the nature. Being in the nature gives an opportunity to breathe in the fresh air, take our mind off from the everyday stress and activities. Less stress and anxiety help in overall health improvement.

Ways to start mindfulness outdoors :

Listen to outside sounds:

Find a place outdoors, where you won’t be disturbed. It could be a garden, a bench in the park, or sitting under a tree. Just close your eyes, and listen to the sounds, take deep breaths and pay attention to what you hear.

Go for a walk outdoors:

Going out for a scroll is also very calming. Take out some time for yourself and go walk a walk alone. You can walk in a park or anywhere where you feel comfortable. See what’s happening around you. Notice the things around you. Walking is a great physical and mental exercise. Walk at normal, slow easy pace. You might get distracted. Notice your thoughts, your distractions and try to concentrate on walking again.

These are a few ways to practice mindfulness in the nature. You don’t have to only meditate when you are outside. You can just be alone with yourself and enjoy the nature. Try different things and see what you enjoy doing the most outdoors.

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Book Review - Spiritual Anatomy: Meditation, Chakras, and the Journey to the Center

 BOOK REVIEW  Title               :   Spiritual Anatomy:                                Meditation, Chakras, and the Journey to the Center A...